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Pengaruh Produk, harga, promosi, dan merek terhadap keputusan pembelian pada depot ayam goring prima Surabaya.

Business competition culinary world today more and more to make the competitors in the culinary world are competing to provide the presentation of different foods , because the consumer wants met all his needs and also want to look for something very practical to buy the consumer likes the menu . One of the studies used as one of the research is Prima Fried Chicken Depot located on the highway Mulyosari precisely in the city of Surabaya . The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of simultaneously and partially between the variables of product, price , promotion , branding on consumer purchasing decisions Depot Fried Chicken Prima Surabaya .
From the analysis of the above study it can be concluded that the product ( X1 ) , price ( X2 ) , promotion ( X3 ) , and brand ( X4 ) simultaneously influence the purchase decision ( Y ) , thus the first hypothesis is proven . The second hypothesis stated that no significant variable is the variable product ( X1 ) , price ( X2 ) , and brand ( X4 ) because it has a value above 0.05 , while the significant variable is the variable promotion ( X3 ) because it has a value below 0.05
From the first hypothesis using the F test that simultaneously influence and proved the first hypothesis , the second hypothesis using the t test partial effect , the third hypothesis is the most dominant promotion variable ( X3 ) , because it has the highest value obtained from the Standardized Beta Coefficients .
Kata Kunci : Fried Chicken Prima Surabaya, Promotion, Purchase Decision

Sk.Eko Ted 142 2014
Sk.Eko Ted 142 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 106 hal ; 29 cm.