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Pengaruh Debt to Equity, Earning Per Share, Firm Size, Book Market Value & Operating Cash Flow Per Share terhadap harga saham perusahaan asuransi yang Go Public di Bursa Eek Indonesia

Variables derived from internal company like Debt to Equity Ratio (DER),Earning Per Share ( EPS ), Firm Size ( FS ), Book to Market Value ( BMV ) and
Operating Cash Flow Per Share may affect the company's stock price . The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Debt to Equity Ratio ( DER
), earning Per Share ( EPS ), Firm Size ( FS ), Book to Market Value ( BMV ) and Operating Cash Flow Per Share on stock prices of insurance companies that go
public on the stock the effect of Indonesia ( BEI ) .
Object of this study were 10 insurance companies , namely PT . AsuransiBina Dana ArtaTbk, PT .Insurance DayinMitraTbk, PT Asuransi Multi ArtaGunaTbk, PT . These Reinsurance Insurance Indonesia Tbk, PT Asuransi
Ramayana Tbk, PT . Insurance Lippo General Insurance Tbk, PT . Property Insurance AmanPratamaTbk, PT .AsuransiBintangTbk, PT AsuransiPanin Financial Tbk, PT . Insurance Panin Insurance Tbk . The data used is the profit and loss statement , statement of changes in equity , accompanying notes to the financial statements and stock price data from 2008-2012 .
The results showed that simultaneous variable DER , EPS , FS , BMV and Operating Cash Flow Per Share on stock prices of insurance companies that went public on the Stock Exchange with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05 . The results showed that in partial DER , EPS , FS , BMV and Operating Cash Flow Per Share effect on stock prices of insurance companies . Partial results of the DER calculation is 0.332 significance level >0.05 . Partial results of the calculation of EPS is 0.001 significance level 0.05 . BMV is the result of the calculation of partial significance level of 0.0010.05 .For insurance companies is expected to further improve its financial performance . Because of good financial performance will affect the company's
stock price .
Keywords : Debt to Equity , Earnings Per Share , Firm Size , Book to Market

Rut Yuniwati (11210001) - Personal Name
Sk.Ak Yun 94 2014
Sk.Ak Yun 94 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xx, 177 hal. ; 29 cm.