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Pengaruh Umur Perusahaan, ukuran perusahaan, earning per share dan return on asset terhadap tingkat underpricing saham pada perusahaan IPO di BEI 2008 – 2012

This scription takes the title on the effect of firm age, firm size, EPS and ROA on the level of
underpricing of IPO shares in a company that purpose to determine whether or not the effect of firm age, firm size, EPS and ROA on the level of underpricing shares
This research was conducted at the company's IPO contained in IDX year period 2008-2012 by using the initial offering price, the closing price of IPO shares in the secondary market on the first day and the financial statements as of December 31 year period from 2008 to 2012 consisting of agency, age, size of the company , EPS, ROA and stock level of underpricing. This study uses secondary data. The number of samples obtained by 30 companies IPO on the Stock Exchange from 2008-2012. Methods of data analysis using the classical assumption and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression.
From this study it is concluded as follows: simultaneous firm age, firm size, EPS and ROA does affect the level of underpricing shares. Age does affect the company's stock underpricing level, company size does not affect the level of underpricing the stock, EPS does not affect the level of underpricing and ROA stocks affect the level of underpricing shares. Large coefficient of determination of 35,5% which mean 35,5 percent share underpricing level is explained by the independent variables, whereas the remaining 64,5 percent be explained by other variables not included in this study.
Keywords: Age Company, Company Size, EPS, ROA, Level Underprincing Shares
Sk.Ak Ros 93 2014
Sk.Ak Ros 93 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv, 208 hal. ; 29 cm.