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Pengaruh pelayanan, harga, lokasi, promosi, dan produk terhadap keputusan pembelian di Sinar Cahaya Cell


Sinar cahaya cell is a retail celuler in 36 jolotundo street. The diffrences of previous researcher and last experiments. Previous researcher used customer loyal toward variable dependent and last experiments used purchase decission toward variable dependent. The complication of this experiments are service variable, promotion variable, price variable, location variable, and product variable can influential simultaneous toward purchase decissions in Sinarcahaya cell, service variable, promotion variable, price variable, location variable, and product variable can influential partial toward purchase decissions in Sinar cahaya cell, and which most dominant variable between variable, price variable, location variable, and product variable toward purchase decissions in Sinar cahaya cell.
Analysis for this experiments used multiply linear regression analysis toward independent variable and determinant coefficient analysis. First Hypothesis presume independent variable consists of service, promotion, price, location, and product influential simultaneous toward purchase decisions. Second hypothesis presume independent variable consists of service (X1), promotion (X2), price (X3), location (X4), and product (X5) influential partial toward purchase decision. Third hypothesis product variable most dominant toward purchase decission, first hypothesis price variable unproved.
The conclusion of these experiments are summarized independent variable (X), consist of Service (X1), Promotion (X2), Price (X3), Location (X4), Product (X5) influential simultaneous toward purchase decision in sinar cahaya cell. Independent variable (X) consist of Service (X1), Promotion (X2), Price (X3), Location (X4), Product (X5) influential partial toward purchase decision in Sinar cahaya cell. And product variable is the most dominant variable toward purchase decision, first hypothesis price variable unproved.

Key words : Service, Promotion, Price, Location, and Product.

Sk.Eko San 140 2014
Sk.Eko San 140 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv,124 hal.;29cm