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Pengaruh produk, harga, lokasi dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian di toserba Dharmahusada di Surabaya


Dharmahusada Toserba is a store that sells merchandise retail. Toserba Dharmahusada have several competitors around there. The complication of this experiments are on scope Product, Price, Location, and Service Quality. The goal of this experiments to know how influential Product, Price, Location and Service Quality toward purchase decission in Toserba and which the most dominant variable.
Sample to use on this experiments is 65 respondents with technique accidental sampling. Analysis to examinations are validity, reliability, assumption of classical, multiple linear regression analysis, multiple determinion, dominant and hypothesis. Hypothesis’s author presume independent variable consist of Product (X1), Price (X2), Location (X3), and service quality(X4) influential simulatenous and significant toward purchase decission in Toserba Dharmahusada is proven. Second hypothesis presume independent variable influential partial is proven. Third hypothesis presume location variable is the most dominant variable obviously is not dominant variable.
The conclution of this experiments are summmarized. Product, Price, Location, and service quality influential simultaneous and partial as well as significant. Service quality variable is the most dominant variable. The author’s suggestions on this experiments for consideration is Toserba Dharmahusada must enhance things still deficient and more informative.

Keywords: Product, Price, Location, Service Quality and Purchase Decision.

Anugrani Dewi (11110028) - Personal Name
Sk.Eko Dew 139 2014
Sk.Eko Dew 139 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv, 139hal.; 29cm