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Pengaruh Produk, Harga, Lokasi, Merek, Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya


On Purchasing Decision, consumer consider various variables. On the previous research showed that Purchasing Decision influenced by Product, Price, Promotion, Location. On this research, it is suspected that the Purchasing Decision is influenced by Product, Price, Location, Brand, Service and using data that required from 100 respondent of Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya,, the purpose on this research is to know the simultaneous, partial, and dominant influences ofProduct, Price, Location, Brand, Service variables towards the Purchasing Decision of Consumer of Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya.
The statistic tool that using on this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with SPSS version 12 for windows. The Hypotesis on this research is to know simultaneous, partial, and dominant influences of Product, Price, Location, Brand, Service variables towards the Purchasing Decision of Consumer of Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya. From all hypotesis, one hypotesis is not proven that is Brand is the dominant influence towards the Purchasing Decision of Consumer of Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya and the location variable is not significantly influence.
Thus, the conclusion of this research is Product (X1), Price (X2), Location (X3), Brand (X4), Service (X5) simultaneously influential with the F value of 30.332 which is higher than the Ftable of 2.31. They are also partially influential because Product variable (X1) has a t value of 3.175 which is higher than ttable of 1.984, Price variable (X2) has a t value of 0.531 which is smaller than ttable of 1.984, Location variable (X3) has a t value of 0.561 which is smaller than ttable of 1.984, Brand variable (X4) has a t value of 4.125 which is higher than ttable of 1.984, Service variable (X5) has a t value of 0.271 which is smaller than ttable of 1.984 towards the Purchasing Decision of Consumer of Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya (Y). The dominant influential variable found in this research is Brand (X4) with the highest value of standardized coefficients-beta that is 0.377. This means that in the food bussiness, especially Depot, consumers highly consider the brand variable or the name of the Depot.
Keyword: Depot Mie Galaxy Surabaya, Brand, Purchasing Decision.

Sk.Eko Har 137 2014
Sk.Eko Har 137 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 117 hal.; 29cm