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Pengaruh Firm Size, Dan Beta Terhadap Laba Bersih Dan Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

In an enterprise is very known term maximize profit or adventage which are often called for the purpose of every Corporation. However, on charter go public the purpose of the company is not only to maximize profit or gain course, but also in terms of the increase in stock prices. It is of course associated with the series of events that contains about optimize operational a company. The purpose of this research is investors can be used material consideration in taking a decision invest. And also readers can see the significan of the size of the company total assets, and also from the sistimatic risk (Beta), whether can affect desire investors in invest seem from its stock price changes.
This research using 2012 as years of researchs. Samples used in this research is 55 several manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012, and then becomes 53 companies because there were 2 companies that has negative capital structure. The analysis used is the path analyst or analysis lines to find out whether the net profit can be variabel mediation in determining increase or decrease of the stock prices of a company on its independent variables. The calculation of this research using software SPSS version 20.
The results of this research, simultaneously show that the independent variable firm size, and beta has significant effects on net income and stock prices. As for the results of research partially against net profit only firm size that has a significant effect on the net profit and beta have no significant effect on net income. For the effect on against stock prices, variable beta and net profit have a significant effect to stock prices, while variable firm size have no effect on the stock prices. For results of the path analyst, net profit can be variable mediation to firm size against stock prices. While net profit can not be a variable mediation in order to beta against stock prices.
Keys : Firm Size, Beta, Net Profit, Stock Prices, Path Analyst.
Sk.Ak San 89 2014
Sk.Ak San 89 2014
Universitas Widya Kartika
xviii, 122 hal; 29 cm.