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Sistem Informasi Pembelian, penjualan, penggajian dan retur pada UD. Kusuma Jaya Motor


The problems are the system is still manual, not computerized, inefficient and impractical are the problems faced by UD Kusuma Jaya Motor. For example, when entering data purchases, sales, customer, employee, etc. still using manual way which is not use a computer, so the datas are still stored in the form of a physical archive of documents, and the data can not be directly processed by auto for processing other activity. The methodology used is the waterfall method where the working system performed sequentially or in a linear fashion. So if step one has not done it will not be able to continue to step 2, 3 and so on. Automatically 3rd stage will be done if the 1st and the 2nd stage was done. Software used in making of Sistem Informasi Pembelian, Penjualan, Penggajian, dan Retur pada UD.Kusuma Jaya Motor is Visual Basic 2008 and its software management database is Microsoft SQL Server Express. By using both of those software, writer will made a useful information system for UD.Kusuma Jaya Motor, and can be used as possible to help improve the quality of the company both in terms of economy, and in terms of the performance of the employees at UD.Kusuma Jaya Motor. In addition the company will be computerized and every activity that happens in the company's transactions can be recorded and stored in the databases, not physically stored anymore (archived documents).
Keywords : information systems, visual basic, purchases, sales, returns, software.

Juanda (31108026) - Personal Name
Sk.INF Jua 87 2013
Sk.INF Jua 87 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 113 hal; 29 cm.