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Types of love among the main characters in twilight by stephenie eyers

Chintya Purnamasari, 2013. Types of Love Among the Main Characters in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Advisor I : Drs. Triyanto Siswantono, M.Pd, and Advisor II: Eka Fadillah, SS, M.Pd.
This thesis is the study of love between the main characters in the novel Twilight. The problems of this study are (1) What kinds of love do Edwrad and Bella have? (2) How does love affect Edwrad and Bella? The purposea of this study are to classify the kinds of love that Edwrad and Bella have and to describe how love affect Edwrad and Bella.
This study employs a qualitative research since the data are in the form of words and uses a content analysis method to find descriptive information about the kinds of love that Edwrad and Bella have and the effects of love on both of them. The source of data is taken from the novel Twilight. The scope of this study is literary appreciation and the writer limits her study on types of Edwrad’s and Bella’s love and the effects of love on both of them. In collecting the data, the writer btakes the following procedures (1) reading the novel, (2) quoting the evidences, (3) identifying Rdwrad;s and Bella’s love. The data analsys is classifying and describing the kinds of love that the main characters have and the effects of love on both of them.
After analyzing the data, the writer finds that kinds of love, which are performed by the main characters; they are agape, eros, storage, liking, infatuation love, roamntic love, and consummate love. It begins when Bella sees Edward for the first time at the cafetaria. Edwrad is stunningly attractive and almost inhumanly beautiful. It makes Bella attracted to him and wants to know more about him. Everyday Bella makes herself looking at Edwrad and does not want to lose her chance to see him. Edwrad feels the same way as Bella, he knows that somebody is watching him and this time he does not want to lose his chance to get Bella. Love between Edward and Bella is very strong. It can be seen from their sacrifice to make each other secure and their commitment to love each other forever. Meanwhile, the effects of love toward Bella are : she becomes more enthusiastic to go to school, she becomes honest to herself and to her close friend, she can tell a lie to her father to go with edwrad, she becomes more attentitive to Bella, he becomes more sensitive, he can control his wild behavior in front of Bella, he becomes more responsible in keeping Bella alive. ii

SK.ING Pur 07 2013
SK.ING Pur 07 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
ii, 53 hal. ; 29 cm.