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Pengaruh Relationship Marketing dan Keunggulan Produk terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan


The background of this research is a very tight competitive condition in the business of the mass media, especially the print media following the application of the Law of Basic Press in 1999. Intense competition among businesspersons of the mass media encourages the companies to manage the effective marketing strategies in order to win the competition. The strategy should be oriented to customer satisfaction in order to create loyal customers. In the context of this study, relationship marketing strategies can provide benefits of customer satisfaction through product advantage, so that the company can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Based on the problems and the gals to be achieved, this study aimed to Surya daily in Surabaya. The study population is the customers/readers of Surya daily, and samples were taken for 50 subscribers/readers as respondents. Sampling was done by distributing questionnaires filled out by the respondents directly, so that the method used is accidental sampling. Data analysis was using descriptive and regression analysis techniques with the help of SPSS for windows.
Results of data analysis showed that the acceptance criteria can be seen in the significant value of each variable observation. This is indicated by the regression coefficient if X1 for 0481 which means that any increase in Relationship Marketing (X1) of 1, it will be followed by an increase in Customer Satisfaction for 0481. While the regression coefficient t X2 for 0214 which means any increase in Product Advantage (X2) of 1, it will be followed by an increase in Customer Satisfaction for 0214.
Of calculations using SPSS also note that the variable Relationship Marketing has dominant influence on customer satisfaction, it can be seen from the beta coefficient for 0.516 is greater than the other variable, that is Product Advantage beta coefficient for 0.256.
This study has limitations because it has not been able to provide a thorough overview of the implementation of Relationship Marketing of Surya daily nationally.

Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Product Advantage, Customer Satisfaction

TH Sug 27 2013
TH Sug 27 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
ix, 100 hal.; 29 cm