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Spesifikasi dan verifikasi use case diagram menjadi class diagram dengan metode formal z

Requirement specification which applies object oriented concept is now begin used by software developer, although this concept can’t reaches the formality of formal specification language. The use of formal method for requirements specification gives more advantages in consistency and ambiguity elimination. One of formalization form has been used is on UML.
This experiments will make requirements specification processes using formal method for use case diagram which directed to formal semantic verification process to classify class diagram. Formal method which used is Z – method which developed by set theory, the system will be modeled, therefore in set theory and set relation. Case study based on employe application.
Result of this specification is represented into two models that is use case diagram and formal method. Formal semantic forming for use case diagram start with specify requirements on detail. The next step is verification process to test the consistency formal semantic. The last step of specification process is classify class diagram based on semantic for use case diagram. Formalization use case diagram will gives class diagram which have consistency.
Keywords : use case diagram, class diagram, requirements specification, verification. Z - Formal method

Dwi Kurnia Basuki - Personal Name
TH Bas 129 2003
TH Bas 129 2003
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv, 119 hal.; 29 cm