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American values reflected in American new religion

Historically, before being established as a region, a set of doctrines, practice, and cultures later called Mormonism, it was begun with earliest movement in 1830 coming up not in vacuum, but under certain circumstances. Considering the historical setting (cultural and socio religious aspect ), the origin of Mormonism would probe issues of the “ built in” which centered on the culutural background of the new spiritual leader and his followers and circumstances around the socio religious setting by which the new prophetship coming up, and of the “built out’ which identifies how the establishment of the new prophet’s leadership and ideas which Mormonism adopted or transformed, resisted or rejected during the movements.
Practicing both American studies and social science perspectives, methods and even terminologies in finding the cultural value(s) of Mormonism in term of cultural context thrust to the need of drawing upon the work and findings of scholars in interdisciplinary approaches, such as literary, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology. The interdisciplinary of this study would be the characteristic of American studies research. The work of historians is certainly also important, particularly those historians who are sensitive to the significance of religion for the personalities and events that shape history, religious experience also can be explained in part of reference to the historical and cultural setting of the age, but the depth o meaning eludes such explanation. Therefore, some manner analogous to the way we appreciates its art, we can be sensitive to religious experiences of other, empathize with them, and attempt, at least imaginatively, ‘to sit where they sit, and walk in their shoes”.

Key words : American history, American religious,

LP Tri 12 2011
LP Tri 12 2011
Universitas Widya Kartika
14 hal.; 29 cm