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Pengajaran Bahasa Mandarin Menggunakan Media Pembelajaran Bendera Untuk Siswa Kelas II SD YPPI II Donokerto Surabaya

在印尼,现在越来越多的学校都开始提供汉语课作为必修课,YPPI II小学是其中之一。本人在该学校实习了一个月。
这次上课,本人给学生三种测试。第一是填笔画,第二是举旗子,第三是笔试。这三种测试的结果挺好的,68,75%学生及格, 31,25% 学生不及格。虽然超过50% 学生及格,但是如果从平均数、中位数、众数以及标准差来看,那些数据有区别,这说明每个学生的理解能力不一样。这些区别产生的原因主要是因为在教学的过程中小旗子的作用不是在最佳的状态,因此测试不能反映教学过程的结果。
关键词:教学;教学辅助工具;小旗子;汉语 xiii

Chinese is one of the languages in the world which has its own difficulties. Thus, it is necessary for the teacher to provide students with a communicative and enjoyable learning process so that the students are more easily to understand the lesson and they are not bored to study the language.
One of the educational institutions in Surabaya that includes Chinese Language as a subject in the curriculum is SD YPPI II Donokerto Surabaya. The writer had a teaching training program in this school for about a month.
In order to eliminate the boredom in the classroom, a media in the form of a set of flags was used to assist students to learn the Chinese vovabulary about nature.
In this study, a problem was formulated as follows: "How is the result of the learning process using flags in Mandarin learning process for the vocabulary about nature in Chinese Language for the two-grade students in SD YPPI Donokerto Surabaya?"
This study aimed at describing the result of the teaching strategy using flags in the learning process about vocabulary of nature on the two-grade students of SD YPPI II Donokerto Surabaya.
In this strategy, three kinds of evaluation processes were administered, such as: (1) stroke completion in writing the Chinese characters of the vocabulary learnt, (2) flag raising, and (3) written test. The results of the study were quite satisfactory in which the success rate was 68.75% and the failure rate was 31.25%. Although the results were considered successful, the results of the descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, and standard deviation) showed that the results of the evaluation processes were various, meaning that there was quite a wide range of students’ abilities in understanding the material. These various results were probably caused by choosing the use of media which was not maximum; so it cannot show the real ability of the students in understanding the materials.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that the appropriateness in choosing a media is very important in the learning process because the media affects greatly to the result of the learning. An appropriate media will help students to understand, memorize the vocabulary, and encourage the students to learn better.

Keywords: teaching, media, flags, Chinese

Sk.BT Tri 13 2013
Sk.BT Tri 13 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 63 hal.; 29 cm