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Pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin dengan menggunakan media papan tulis, kertas karton, dan metode drill untuk siswa kelas IIIA SD Kristen Gloria 3 Surabaya

Theresia Juwono, 2013, Learning Mandarin with Whiteboard and Cardboard Media Using Drill Method for Grade Three A Elementary Students Of Gloria Christian School 3 Surabaya.
In every teaching process, media and method are needed to help teachers to reach the purpose of teaching, especially to the teaching process for students. To avoid boredom and reach the purpose of teaching, the writer did two activities by using whiteboard, cardboard, and drill method for grade three A Elementary students of Gloria Christian 3 Surabaya. The writer would like to know students’ comprehension by describing student evaluation result in learning Chinese. The writer formulates the problem as “how grade three A Elementary students of Gloria Christian School 3 Surabaya comprehend the learning Chinese about vocabulary of learning activity and reading “我们上课吧” (wŏmen shàngkè ba) by using whiteboard, cardboard, and drill method?”
In the first teaching activity, the writer used a whiteboard and drill method to teach vocabularies. Based on the analyzed student evaluation data, the first teaching activity is very successful because the percentage of passed students whose score is greater than 65 (Standard of Minimum Score) is 85,7% and the average score is 78,5.
In the second teaching activity, the writer used cardboard which had been plastered with colorful paper and drill method to teach reading. Based on the analyzed student evaluation data, the first teaching activity is very good because the percentage of passed students is 94,7% and the average score is 95,2.
Considering the data above, both the teaching activities that the writer did can be inferred quite successful. However, in teaching process, the writer had some weaknesses caused by other factors that is influencing the result.
Furthermore, the writer also wrote some advices how to avoid the weaknesses.
Keywords: whiteboard, cardboad, drill method, Chinese, children teaching process

姚明明,2013,运用白板,卡纸和操练法在泗水Gloria 3基督小学三A班的汉语课。
在教学过程当中必有能够帮助教师达到教学目标的教学媒体和教学法,尤其是在小学低段教学当中。为了避免学生无聊并让教师更快地达到教学目的,笔者在泗水Gloria 3基督小学的三A班做了两次教学活动,笔者运用白板,卡纸和操练方法。通过测试结果,笔者想知道在汉语教学当中,学生是否能够明白教材内容。因此,笔者制定了一道大题,就是“在汉语教学当中运用白板,卡纸和操练法来教关于教学活动的生词和“我们上课吧”的课文,学生的理解力如何?”
关键词:白板;卡纸;操练法;汉语;小学低段教学 xiii

Sk.BT Juw 11 2013
Sk.BT Juw 11 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 67 hal.; 29cm