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Pembelajaran pemahaman bahasa Mandarin melalui metode drill, tanya jawab, dan media power point untuk siswa kelas XII SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya

Along with the development in industrial world, learning Chinese Language becomes important, so that many schools have Chinese Language in their curriculum, one the school is Mater Amabilis Vocational High School Surabaya. In this school, the author wants to know students‟ perception about the use of drill method, question and answer, and Power point media in teaching and learning process. Besides that, the author wants to know the teacher‟s effort in handling students‟ language error during the learning process, and to determine the success of the learning process in using the above methods and media. From the result of the questionnaires distributed to the students, the author concludes that the drill method, question and answer technique, and Power point media are perceived quite useful by the students. The students also perceive that the teacher‟s effort in handling the students‟ errors is quite helpful. 79% of them say that the assistance is enough, 10,5% say is more than enough, and 10,15% say is not enough. Regarding the success of the students understanding in the meaning and pronunciation of vocabulary and dialogue, the author held two kinds of tests, writing test and reading vocabulary test. From the evaluation of writing test, 92,3% (12 students) is “Completed” because they could pass the value of the minimum standards score. From the result of reading vocabulary test only 69,2% (9 students) that can be considered “Completed”, and the remaining 30,8% (4 students) are still considered “Uncompleted”. From the above data, it can be inferred that the teaching is quite successful.
Kata Kunci: Chinese Language ,drill method , question and answer method , Power point media , teaching for adolescent

随着社会的发展,学习汉语也成为一个很重要的问题了,所以许多学校开始教汉语这门课了,Mater Ambilis 职业学校也不例外。在这所学校,笔者想研究学习者在使用练习法、谈话法以及PPT应用方法的用处对学习者在语言错误里是否有所帮助。
关键词: 汉语; 练习法; 谈话法; PPT应用法; 青少年教学法

Sk.BT Put 10 2013
Sk.BT Put 10 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 98 hal. ; 29 cm