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Penggunaan metode kontekstual dengan media powerpoint untuk meningkatkan minat dalam mempelajari kosakata bahasa Mandarin pada siswa kelas V SDK ST. Xaverius Surabaya

语言是人类最重要的交流工具。学一种语言的目的是为了运用那种语言来进行交际,是语言教学所一致认同的。 笔者对泗水SDK St. Xaverius 五年级的小学生的汉语教学进行教学实践了,因为五年级的小学生对汉语课的兴趣很差。所以笔者通过语境法与powerpoint媒体来教以吸引五年级的小学生对汉语课的注意力和兴趣。那么这篇论文的制定问题有两个,第一是学生对语境法与powerpoint媒体有如何反应,第二是学生测试结果如何。笔者所采用的研究方法是定量方法和定性方法。 笔者设计了三个教案。第一次实习教学采用了语境法与powerpoint媒体来学新的词汇,让学生们很快地把词汇记下来。教学结果还不错,参加测试的学生有39名,占82,05%学生取得好成绩,而占17,95%学生不及格。学生的成绩平均分数是83,06。第二次实习教学采用了语境法与powerpoint媒体来学句子,让学生们更了解句子的意思和运用。教学结果还不错,参加测试的学生有39名,占76,92%学生取得好成绩,而占23,08%学生不及格。学生的成绩平均分数是82,76。第三次实习教学采用了语境法与powerpoint媒体来了解与运用所学的内容,让学生们能介绍自己。教学结果很好,参加测试的学生有39名,占82,05%学生取得好成绩,而占17,95%学生不及格。学生的成绩平均分数是86,44。 经过观察,证明采用了合适的教学法和媒体教学对汉语教学是很有影响的。所以教学、若没有采取合适的教学法等于白教的。

Language is the most important of human communication tool. The goals of learning a language is to be able to communicate using the language that we learned, the same as the goal of the language teaching. SDK St. Xaverius Surabaya is the one institution that applying chinese lesson. Writer did a teaching practice for students in grade 5 SDK St. Xaverius Surabaya, because the lack on the interest of learning. And the writers discussed the matter of self-identification through the contextual method with powerpoint to attract student’s attention and interest in learning chinese, with two formulation of the problem, how the response of students to the contextual learning method with media powerpoint, and how the results of the evaluation of the students. The research methodology that the writer used was quantitative approach and qualitative approach. Writer arranged three lesson plans for grade 5 students. Teaching practice in first lesson plan is to learn new vocabulary through contextual methods, drill, and a questions with the media powerpoint so that students can easily remember the vocabulary they have learned. Written evaluation results on first lesson plan is quite well, as many as 32 students of the 39 students (82.05%) have mastered the material and 7 students did not complete. The average score of student evaluations is 83.06. Teaching practice in second lesson plan is reading of the sentence through contextual methods, drill, and a question and answer with the media powerpoint so that students can understand easily. Oral evaluation results on second lesson plan is pretty good, as many as 30 students of the 39 students (76.92%) have mastered the material and 9 students did not complete. The average score of student evaluations is 82.76. Teaching practices in the third lesson plan is to be able to understand and use reading sentences that have been learned through the contextual methods with the media powerpoint to introduce yourself. The written evaluation results on third lesson plan is very well, as many as 32 students of the 39 students (82.05%) have mastered the material and 7 students did not complete. The average score of student evaluations is 86.44. Thus, the writer concludes that the methods and media in teaching and learning process is very powerful to influence the learning results that we want to reach. So teaching without teachingmethods as well as futile.
Keywords: contextual method, powerpoint, interest
Sk.BT Wir 09 2013
Sk.BT Wir 09 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 74 hal. ; 29 cm