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Penggunaan metode permainan untuk meningkatkan hasil pelajaran menulis huruf bahasa Mandarin pada siswa kelas IB SD little Sun Surabaya

ABSTRACT In education, method of learning has a position as a teaching strategy. It has many varieties. In reality, teacher usually uses one method only but actually teaching methods can be applied in accordance with the needs of teaching and student characteristics. Application of various methods can affect the development of students' abilities. Of the many existing methods of teaching, game method are method that are not infrequently used in teaching. To determine the effectiveness of methods, the writer conducted a study on "The implementation of Games Method to Teaching Chinese Writing letters for Surabaya Little Sun elementary school grade IB". In this research, the writer used a quantitative approach in examining the results of the written evaluation study in the application of methods of games. the writers also uses qualitative methods to examine attitudes, enthusiasm and response of students in the application of those methods. And in the research of application games method, the writer gives students a written evaluation test of writing Chinese strokes on the blackboard. The evaluation results of the application game methods one were of student’s grade IB met SKBM and 47.37% of students did not meet SKBM. And the results of the application game method was 84.21% of IA class’s student met SKBM and 15.78% of IB class’s student did not meet SKBM . Based on the data listed above, it can be concluded that the application of the method demonstrations and games on the teaching of writing Chinese letters for students of IB class can be quite effective. Keywords:, game methods , writing Chinese letters, learning and teaching xiii
摘要 教学法在教学的过程当中是很重要的部分。教学法的种类很多但是实际上, 教师只是使用其中的方法来教学生。教师在讲课时根据讲课的需要和学生的学习情况选择适当的教学方法。 教师讲课时使用的各种各样的教学法可以影响到学生的能力的发展。教学法有很多种, 其中游戏法是教师常用的方法。为了了解哪些方法有没有效果,本文做了关于“游戏法的实用对于写字课的教学” 的研究。 在这项研究中,本文采用定量方法来检查游戏法的书面评价研究的结果。此外,本文还采用定性方法来检查学生对应用这些方法的态度和反应。 研究游戏法的使用时, 本文让学生在白板上写字,以比赛的方式来试验学生的能力。 第一的研究结果表明全班及格的学生占总数72.22 %,不及格的学生占总数27.78 % 。第二的研究结果表明及格的学生占总数66.67%而且不及格的学生占总数33.33% 。 按照研究结果,本文得出的结论是使用示范法和游戏法来教写字课有效。

Fenny Oktavia (61109034) - Personal Name
Sk.BT Okt 08 2013
Sk.BT Okt 08 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 48 hal. ; 29 cm