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Efektifitas pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin dengan menggunakan media berbantuan computer untuk siswa kelas IV SD Kristen Gloria 3 Surabaya

摘要 林慧玲, 2013, 利用计算机辅助媒体学汉语的效用对四年级的小学生在GLORIA基督教小学3,泗水。 随着社会的发展,小学生显然跟上时代走。越来越多的小学生们开始使用先进的技术产品,如:小玩意,等.所以他们对学习汉语的兴趣越来越下降。学生对传统的教学法也更容易无聊,所以为了促进学生学汉语的兴趣,教师在教学过程中需要运用一些适合时代的计算机辅助媒体。通过这些计算机辅助媒体希望能支持建立有效的学习,也会给学生的学习评价提供积极的影响。 在这项研究中,作者运用三种媒体即adobe flash, power point 2010, dan chinese writer for android。使用adobe flash的研究重点是阅读技巧,就是阅读在对话里的词汇。使用power point 2010的研究重点是读诗的技巧。使用chinese writer for android 的研究重点是写汉字的技巧(也是关于词汇的字。 根据计算评价的结果的平均数可以看出,具备SKBM条件的学生有78.26%,没有具备SKBM条件的学生有21.74%。也就是说从23个学生,根据学校SKBM的条件有18个人是合格的。总之,这三种媒体已被证明会支持建立有效的学习,让学生变得更加热情,也会易于理解教材并提供评价学生的学习产生积极的影响。 关键词:效用,学汉语,计算机辅助媒体 xiv
ABSTRACT Lani Diana, 2013, The Effectiveness of Mandarin Learning by Using Computer Assisted Media for The Fourth Graders of Gloria 3 Christian Elementary School, Surabaya. Along with the times, elementary school students do not want to be outdated too. Most of them are beginning to use advanced technology tools such as gadgets and others. So the students interest and enthusiasm in learning Chinese are decreasing. Students become quickly bored with the conventional teaching. To promote the students enthusiasm in learning Chinese, the educators need to use a computer-assisted medium that is appropriate with the times. It is expected that the use of this computer-assisted media are able to create an effective learning and to provide a positive impact on the evaluation of students learning. In this research, the writer used three media, those were adobe flash, power point 2010, and chinese writer for android. The research using adobe flash emphasized on reading vocabularies in the form of dialogues. The research using power point 2010 emphasized on poetry reading skills, while the research using chinese writer for android emphasized on Mandarin characters (vocabulary) writing skills. Based on the calculation of the average results of the evaluation, it can be seen that 78.26% of students can pass through SKBM and 21.74% cannot pass through SKBM. Which are from twenty three students, according to the school, there are 18 students who can pass through SKBM. Therefore, it can be concluded that the three media are truly proven to support the creation of effective learning where students becoming more enthusiastic and easier to understand the materials and to provide a positive impact on the evaluation of students learning.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Mandarin Learning, Computer Assisted Media

Sk. BT Lim 07 2013
Sk. BT Lim 07 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 98 hal. ; 29 cm