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Penggunaan teknik membaca drill guna meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap kosakata pelajaran bahasa Mandarin pada siswa kelas VB SD YPPI II Donokerto Surabaya = 阅读强化技巧的运用是为了提高学生对汉语词汇的理解




In the world there are many different kinds of languages, one of which is Chinese Language. Mastery of multiple languages is necessary to facilitate a person to communicate with others. Many techniques and media that can be used to learn a language, one of the learning techniques and instructional media that can be used to learn a foreign language, especially language learning Mandarin is a technique drills and flash cards. Due to the research object under study is a primary school student, then in the final project's writer propose the heading " Implementation of Drill Reading Technique to Improve Students Comprehension on Chinese Vocabulary for Elementary Students Class VB YPPI II Donokerto Surabaya
At the time, the writer applied quantitative and qualitative methods. Then the research instrument that the writer used was the observation and evaluation of tests that are used to collect the necessary data. Tests given evaluation aims to determine the level of student mastery of the vocabulary has been taught, the tests consist of tests of vocabulary and oral reading 13 writing test items. Research activities carried out was to show the student paper pictorial / flash card. I then used the drill for easy reading techniques so that students can master the material studied. The results of this study were 17 students from VB class there were 65% (11 students) who met SKBM while there were 35% (6 students) who did not met SKBM.
From the results described above, the writer can draw the conclusion that learning Mandarin using reading techniques and media flash card drills can help students to master the language Mandarin vocabulary is taught. The “drill” reading techniques can also improve students' Chinese language skills, particularly reading skills.

Keywords: Learning Techniques, Drill Technique, Reading, Vocabulary.
Merlin ( 61109045 ) - Personal Name
Sk.BT Mer 06 2013
Sk.BT Mer 06 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 68 hal. ; 29cm