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Penggunaan media power point dan flash card untuk pembelajaran kata bantu bilangan “瓶、双、件、条、个、位” dalam bahasa Mandarin pada siswa kelas VIII SMP YPPI – 2 Surabaya


笔者也发现印尼学习者对汉语这门课没什么兴趣,所以笔者想使用power point 和 flash card来研究是否这种教学法有效。例外,笔者也想研究在教量词时使用power point 和 flash card学习者能达到怎么样的成绩。笔者在泗水YPPI – 2中学进行研究。但是笔者只教学生几个量词,那些量词指的是“瓶、 双、 件、条、个 和 位”。
研究的目的是为了了解在使用power point 和 flash card这些教学法是否有效,另外也要知道用了这些教学法是否能提高学习者的成绩。研究方法是使用定量研究法和定性研究发。
进行研究之后,笔者发现使用power point 和 flash card这些教学法是有效的,学生积极地参加每一段教学环节。经过这研究,笔者可以得出一个结论,使用power point 和 flash card 对学习者有很大的帮助。测试结果有在第一测试79,1%学生得到75以上,在第二个测试有95%学生得到75以上。

关键词:汉语量词的用法,Power Point, Flash Card


There are many quantifiers in Chinese language. Studying Chinese language quantifiers often makes people confused due to the large number of Chinese quantifiers and the grammar of quantifiers. The writer also found another problem. That is the student lack of interest in learning Chinese language. Based on this reason, the writer wants to analyze students’ respond when learning Chinese quantifiers using power point and flash card. Second, when using power point and flash card, to what extent student can understand Chinese language quantifiers.
The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ respond when learning Chinese quantifiers using power point and flash card. Additionally, the writer also wants to analyze test result when using power point and flash card when teaching students. The research method is used quantitative and qualitative method.
The result of this research is using power point and flash card when teaching Chinese quantifiers is very effective, students’ respond is very positive. Also, the test result of using power point and flash card when teaching student Chinese’s quantifiers is very satisfactory. According to the test results, 79,1% and 95% of the students pass the test.

Keywords: Chinese language quantifier, Power Point media, Flash Card media.
Sk.BT Wah 04 2013
Sk.BT Wah 04 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 49 hal. ; 29 cm