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Penggunaan metode penemuan (Discovery-Inquiry) dan tanya jawab dalam pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin pada siswa kelas X SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis Surabaya在一年级汉语教学中采用发现式 与问答式教学法的研究

There are some methods applied in the research on the students of 10th Grade Cookery 3 in Mater Amabilis Surabaya Catholic Senior High School, they are discovery inquiry method supported by frequently asked questions method and group discussion method to stimulate the students to become cooperative and to motivate the students in studying Mandarin Chinese. Lessons are delivered using powerpoint media because it is equipped with images that can help the teacher to describe new vocabularies to the students. Regarding that Mater Amabilis Catholic Senior High School is a vocational school, therefore teaching material given to the students is adjusted to the students of each study program, so the lesson is not only taken from the Mandarin textbook (Short-Term Spoken Chinese 2nd Edition Vol.1), but the additional teaching materials are aslo provided based on the study program of the students.
As the initial research, observation on the school and the students is taken at first, before the futher research begins. During the class, Chinese textbook (Short-Term Spoken Chinese 2nd Edition Vol.1) is used to discuss the topic on Chapter 4 "多少钱" (duōshao qián). The results of discovery-inquiry teaching method and frequently asked questions for learning new vocabularies manage to make students become cooperative in class, by asking the students to look for the meaning of each vocabulary in the Chinese dictionary, the students has become more aware to the strokes in Chinese characters. While during the period of teaching by using group discussion method to learn conversational dialogue, the students manage to create their own short conversations related to teaching materials in Chapter 4 "多少钱" (duōshao qián).
The conclusion that can be taken from this research is that the discovery-inquiry teaching method is highly effective to attract the students in learning Mandarin Chinese, eliminate the stigma that learning Mandarin is dificult and tedious. This method also manages to help the students recognizing Chinese characters and understanding Chinese vocabularies.
Keywords: Chinese Mandarin teaching, discovery-inquiry method, frequently asked questions method


一年级烹饪专业的第三班(X JB 3)SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis泗水的调查中,笔者使用发现式课堂教学法、问答教学法与小组讨论的教学法。这此教学法激发了学习者在课堂上积极活泼地学汉语并且激发学习者学汉语的动机。学习的过程中,笔者使用(Powerpoint),因为在(Powerpoint)上可以通过图片以便学习者理解生词包含的意思。由于SMK Katolik Mater Amabilis是职业学校,教学的内容要更接近学习者的每个职业(该有针对性),所以研究者除了按照学校所的教材教他们之外,还有更加一些课本里面没有的内容。

笔者使用 Short-Term Spoken Chinese 2nd Edition Vol.1 第四章 “多少钱”的内容进行教学。结果,通过发现式课堂教学法与问答教学法教他们关于生词的内容,让学习者用汉印词典去查看生词的意思、每个字的笔画、每个字的拼音与声调,让学习者发现汉字有所不同的事。这种方法也可以让学习者学习的时候积极活泼,能激发学习者的学习动机。学习者学会话部分的时候,研究者通过小组讨论的教学法让他们做一段会话。



Sk.BT Dja 02 2013
Sk.BT Dja 02 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 88 hal. ; 29 cm