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Penggunaan media pembelajaran pada pembelajaran tata bahasa dan kosakata bahasa Mandarin untuk siswa kelas VC SD Gloria Pakuwon City Surabaya = 教学媒体对Gloria小学VC班的词汇 和语法教学方面的运用

The use of learning media is an important role in education. The use of learning media is also one of the means that may facilitate students in the learning process. To determine the effectiveness of the use of instructional media in the teaching world, the writer conducted a study on "The use of instructional media on Grammar and Vocabulary Learning Mandarin in Gloria Pakuwon City Surabaya Elementary School VC Class ". In this case, the writer used the media of powerpoint.and flashcard
In this study, the writer used a quantitative approach to assess students' understanding of vocabulary and grammar mastery. Data obtained from the quantitative approach of evaluating student test results. In addition, the writer also used a qualitative approach to investigate the characteristics of the students and the students' responses regarding the research process of learning by using learning media that has been done by the writer. The qualitative data obtained from interviews and observations.
In the study of vocabulary learning, the writer assesses learning Chinese vocabulary with themes这棵树真高 (zhè kē shù zhēn gāo), after which the writer gave an oral evaluation tests on the students learning vocabulary VC class. In the study of grammar teaching, the writer assesses learning Chinese grammar, then the writer provide a written evaluation of the student test VC class.
Vocabulary learning research findings are of 24 students who take the test evaluation, there were 19 students (79,17%) meet SKBM and 5 students (20,83%) who did not achieve SKBM. while the results of the study of grammar teaching 22 students who take the test evaluation, there were 15 students (68,18%) meet SKBM, there are 7 students (31,82%) did not meet SKBM.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the use of media powerpoint and flashcard is effective for learning grammar and vocabulary.
Keywords : learning research ; vocabulary ; grammar ; learning media ; chinese language


在教学过程当中,运用教学媒体是非常重要的。运用教学媒体便于学生学习汉语。 为了知道运用教学媒体对教学中的效性,笔者进行了关于“教学媒体对Gloria小学VC班的词汇和语法教学方面的运用”。在教学研究过程当中,笔者运用的教学媒体是字卡和Powerpoint。
词汇教学研究结果是:从24个参加测试的学生,有19个学生(79,17%)合格,5个学生(20,83%)不合格。语法教学研究结果是:从22个参加测试的学生,有15个学生 (68.18%) 合格,7个学生(31.82%)不合格。

关键词 :教学研究; 词汇; 语法; 教学媒体 ; 汉语

Ivana Chandra (61109036) - Personal Name
Sk.BT Cha 01 2013
Sk.BT Cha 01 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiv, 91 hal. ; 29 cm