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The elements of feminism in hester’s character in Nathaniel hawthorne’s the scarlet letter thesis

This thesis, entitled The Elements of Feminism in Hester‘s Character in Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter ―, is focused on the analysis of Hester‘s character related to Hester‘s relationship with her lover, the Puritan Tradition, and the Society where she lives in. From those relationships, the writer finds out Hester‘s character which reveals the elements of feminism. In his analysis, the writer uses the background literature about the life of Puritan women since the main character is a Puritan woman. Besides, the feminist theory and the literary theory on characterization will also be used. The writer uses the theory of characterization in analyzing Hester‘s speech, action and the comments of other character. The analysis discuses the elements of feminism in Hester‘s character dealing with the relationship between Hester and her lover, the Puritan tradition and the society where she lives in. eventually, Hester shows that she struggles for her equality, independence and freedom. Her strength, responsibility, and independence as a lover , a wife, an adulteress and a single parent in facing difficult situation, defending her thought and her will and making a decision, prove that Hester is the forerunner of feminism.
Edwan (61409004) - Personal Name
Sk.Ing Edw 05 2013
Sk.Ing Edw 05 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xi, 50 hal. ; 29 cm.