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Women’s language characteristics on facebook status updates posted by women between the Ages of 18 and 25


Stephanie Maya Sari Lukman: Women’s Language Characteristics on Facebook Status Updates Posted by Women between the Ages of 18 and 25.

The title of research is “Women’s Language Characteristics on Facebook Status Updates Posted by Women between the Ages of 18 and 25.” The reason why the writer wants to deal with women’s language characteristics because writer thought that language has been in development. There are acceptance and equality in society. The way people communicate is changing. The writer decided to choose Facebook because it has more followers than others like Twitter. Facebook is the most well known social media sites. Writer focuses on status updates because individuals use this function to post anything they want, such as to post quotes, daily activities, or something that made them angry. Hence, it allows the users to state anything they wish. It also allows they to choose and using any words they prefer. The writer conducts the research with some research questions, i.e. what characteristic(s) of language which are mostly used by women between the ages of 18 and 25 on Facebook status updates? and why do women use such kind of characteristic(s) in their language? The research purposes are to investigate what characteristic(s) of language which are mostly used by women between the ages of 18 and 25 on Facebook status updates and to analyze the reason why women use such kind of characteristic(s) in their language. The scope of this study is women’s language characteristics on the Internet. The writer limited her subjects of observation only on women’s language characteristics on Facebook status updates posted by women between the ages of 18 and 25.
Key words: Women’s language, Women’s language characteristics, Facebook, Facebook status updates.
Sk.Ing Luk 03 2013
Sk.Ing Luk 03 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 46 hal. ; 29 cm.