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Multiple personalities on the main character in jean plaidy’s the Spanish Bridegroom

The title of research is “Multiple Personalities on the Main Character in Jean Plaidy’s the Spanish Bridegroom” This research’s purpose is to find the multiple personalities which are reflected in this novel. Secondly is to find and analyze the external factors which cause multiple personalities to Philip based upon psychological theory, and the last is to analysis the external impact of Philip’s multiple personality.
The type of this research is literary and psychological research. The literary and psychological approach applied psychology knowledge to analyze the main character in the novel, because there is a relation between literatures and psychology, in which there are some possibilities of psychological approach in literary works namely author’s mind, writing process, characters’ mind, and audiences’ mind. By using the literary approach, the writer tried to explore his topic through the use of the theory of characterization and theory of conflicts; those are internal and external conflicts.
The results showed that (1) the multiple personalities that could be found were that the main character, Philip, has two personalities at once, they are introvert and extrovert; (2) the external factors that caused this multiple personalities were the childhood experience, the different style of parenting by the nanny, and the duty as the reagent of Spain; and (3) the impact of the multiple personalities were the false assumption of his wives and bad relationship with his son.
Key words : Multiple Personalities, psychological, King Philip II
Rinto (61410045) - Personal Name
Sk.Ing Rin 02 2013
Sk.Ing Rin 02 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
vii, 60 hal. ; 29 cm.