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Rencana bangn sistim mobile commerce sebagai alternatif penjualan dan monitoring sales studi kasus toko international

The sales system that been used by International Battery Shop is a collaborative manner with electronic stores to market its products. Sales system in this way may take a long time in the process of selling the product, therefore the system was evaluated not effective and not efficient. If only rely on the old system by means of the sale of company earnings do not experience a significant increase. In addition, the development of enterprises feel valued rather slow . It is therefore designed a system of online sales using web or internet media in order to minimize the time of the sale process in order to increase sales volume so that company income can increase.
The methodology used by the researchers is Library Studies ( Literature ), namely data mining method from the books, browsing the Internet or literature related to the theoretical basis of the system that is being made. Moreover, we use a method that is field research methods to explore data by performing direct observation in the field.
The purpose of this study was to produce a system that uses media sales Mobile Commerce can help divisions in marketing to make sales transactions can be done quickly anywhere and at any time so that it can help increase sales by selling a wider range and more quickly. Produce a system that provides information on products marketed to prospective buyers , facilitating prospective buyers get the information they need in detail and accurately . To promote or introduce enterprise to all the community so that it can expand marketing reach in order to increase sales . Help salesmen to simplify and accelerate the entire workflow salesman for connected transactions online, monitoring salesman performance by looking at their target sales already achieved. To find the best selling product, the buyer with the highest number of purchases and total sales proceeds plus commission.
Kata Kunci :
Mobile Commerce, Online Sales, E-Commerce, QR Code, Sales Tracking
Sk.Inf Pri 85 2013
Sk.Inf Pri 85 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 117 hal. ; 29 cm.