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Aplikasi pembelajaran tata bahasa Indonesia untuk kelas 1, kelas 2, dan kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar dengan menggunakan metode First Order

Language is the identityof a country. Every language has their own uniqueness and beauty. Indonesian is a field of study, it means Indonesian is not only a communication tool, but also has meanings, messages, and objectives.
Indonesian is different with mother language which only be known by some people. Indonesian has a structure in writing and verbal. Since the difference between the structures will have different meanings. An application is needed to help students in comprehensing every information from a sentence.
To make an application which helps the comprehension of a sentence writer uses the waterfall system development system. Started with searching the needs from the application as a whole. Then searching the needs of software which supports the making of this application, such as user interface, needed functions, etc. make the program design before coding is started. Code making to
support the function in the application. Do testing from the code and also doing the maintenance if errors found in the maintenance phase then process will be
started from the beginning by completing the data so that the application will fulfill the needs. And to give an information from a sentence writer uses first order logic method. First order logic or calculus is a syntax whitch can describe a sentence that has quantity of the object. With this method writer describe every
information in sentences, in this case are subject, verb, object and adverb. From the description a rule made to decide the correct information.
This application helps students to do the study process outside or in the active class time and gives the evaluation result of the students study to the tutor.
Tutors can give exercises and materials to the students and students can access them out of the active class time. And also helps students in comprehensing
Indonesian structures
Keyword : Study, structure of language, first order logic
Sk.Inf Sub 81 2013
Sk.Inf Sub 81 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xiii, 86 hal. ; 29 cm.