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Rancang bangun aplikasi manajemen keuangan personal berbasis android

Every people can not get off what called expense, whether it is only to buy food or hobby, every people will always do expense and lots of people do their expense management in their notebook. Nowadays the development of cell phone is advanced quickly and a lot of cell phone already have system operation, then until now there are many system operation that have been released. Cell phone with system operation usualy called as smartphone. System information android is one of them.
In this case Rancang Bangung Aplikasi Manajemen Keuangan Personal pada OS Android using development method of sequential liniar system or usualy called as classic life cyle or waterfall model, this system give development system a systematic and sequential approach, started from phase of planning system, analysis, design, code, testing and maintenance. This system is also developed using Unified Modeling Language (UML), Use Case, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram, and Deplyoment Diagram.
The goal of creating this application is with the facility of cell phone that can be brought everywhere, the note can be done everywhere, even when doing transaction, with this application expected there will be many people can do management expense simpe and practicaly
Kata kunci: Android, Expense Management, Expense, Recording
Sk.Inf Sus 80 2013
Sk.Inf Sus 80 2013
Universitas Widya Kartika
xv, 87 hal. ; 29 cm.